Lifting The Cap On Street-Vendor Permits Would Bring In $17M, IBO Finds

2024-01-17T09:12:28-05:00January 9th, 2024|News|

The Chief Leader

"Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez [of the Street Vendor Project] argued that reforming the street vending industry could be a “great opportunity for the mayor to deliver results for working class New Yorkers and make a change that will better their lives.”

Adams Admin Confirms Inaction on Council’s Rental Voucher Expansion

2024-01-22T11:17:04-05:00January 5th, 2024|News|

City Limits

"Park’s comments frustrated advocates who pushed for the passage of the full Council package. “I know that I cannot pick and choose which laws I adhere to,” said Patricia Glover, a member of the Urban Justice Center’s Safety Net Activists. “If I run a red light I’m going to have to pay a fine.”

There used to be tens of thousands of prostitution arrests annually in NYC. Now? About 100.

2023-01-04T19:18:54-05:00December 27th, 2023|News|


“'People need to take sex workers seriously and understand adult consensual sex work is not a sex crime,” [Zola] Bruce [of the Sex Workers Project] said. “We need to stop this criminalization of sex and sexuality in general and change the trajectory around that so that people can see sex work as a job.”

City Expands Commission to Close Rikers

2024-01-29T15:27:30-05:00December 19th, 2023|News|

Queens Eagle

"The most important tangible step Mayor Adams can take to show his commitment to closing Rikers is to finally make this month’s land transfer deadline and start the process of closing jails like [the Anna M. Kross Center] that are not in current use...” [said] Darren Mack, the co-director of Freedom Agenda."

Should Solitary Confinement Be Banned? New York City Mayor Eric Adams Says This

2024-01-29T15:33:28-05:00December 18th, 2023|News|

The Root

"Brandon Rodriguez died by suicide at Rikers island in 2021. Last year, his mother, [Freedom Agenda member] Tamara Carter, testified in support of the [solitary confinement] ban at a City Council hearing last year."

NYC Mayor Adams Pledges to Close Rikers Island But Wavers Again Over 2027 Deadline

2024-01-29T15:30:33-05:00December 17th, 2023|News|


"Darren Mack, cofounder of Freedom Agenda, a nonprofit that helps formerly incarcerated people and their communities, said Adams could show he’s serious about closing Rikers by meeting this month’s land-transfer deadline under the 2021 Renewable Rikers Act."